19 December 2005

Catch Up Day...

Oh, my. The semester's over, my recent trip to Dallas is over, my big family Christmas party is over, and now it's time to catch up on all those little details in my life that I've kept putting off for several months. Time to shop for all those things I've been needing/wanting and had no time to go get. Time to run all those errands that just don't happen during the semester. Time to update my blog, which, like everything else, ends up falling by the wayside when things get busy. :)

I just love Christmas time. Last week was a wonderful time of fun and fellowship with friends, new and old, and with family. I went to Dallas to see my boyfriend's family for a few days, and that was thoroughly enjoyable, as usual. Then I flew back in time to come to my family's Christmas party. It was wonderful. Everyone was there, and we had lots of fun catching up on what everyone is doing. Two of my cousins are expecting babies that are due this next summer, so we're very excited about that. And my uncles, both of whom are in law enforcement, had a good time showing off their guns and giving me advice when I told them that I am planning on getting a concealed handgun permit this summer. Yeah, that's right, I'm gonna be packin' heat. I've always thought that it is a wise thing for a young single woman to be able to use a gun and to keep one around. After all, you might need to defend yourself or the people around you someday. I think it is especially wise for me to have a weapon, since I work with literally crazy people every day, and you never know when one of them will decide to stalk you or something. Don't get me wrong, I don't live in constant fear or anything, I just think I should take advantage of my right to bear arms in the hopes that I never have to actually use them. So anyway, my uncles had all kinds of advice about what to carry, what to take the test with, who to go to, etc. Having relatives who are into that sort of thing can be very useful.

So now I just have to get all these silly little details out of my hair, do a little Christmas shopping, and then I'll be ready to settle in for the break, so to speak. So I'm off! Shopping till I drop!

1 comment:

Rambling Rose Cottage said...

A very Merry Christmas! What a nice surprise to see you.

It's 2007. So What's the Big Deal?

Happy New Year! You know, this is the first year in a long time that I've actually made a New Year's Resolution. Here it is: GET MAR...