10 May 2006


Well, a hurricane named Alisha hit my house...lol.

We are having fun already, even though unpacking etc. is a pain.

Dancing like fools in the kitchen to Broadway music...finding random things we each didn't remember we had...there's nothing like moving!!

I'm just glad I don't have to move my stuff. I did have to tear up my room, though, for the maintenance people to rip out the sheetrock and do something with some pipes. It's still not back to rights, but oh well.

I had a productive day. Six loads of laundry, new pairs of glasses, foreign currency ordered, a long lunch with my Bible study leader, a trip home and back to move some stuff, and a long time of unpacking and rearranging things so Alisha's will fit.

Oh yeah, and I did remember to eat somewhere in there.

I'm so tired. But I haven't cracked a book all day...yeehaw!

Good night.

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