07 July 2006

Dins, Churches, Pictures

Yesterday I think I must have overdone it, because today I couldn't stop sleeping until almost 1 in the afternoon. I did get up in the morning to go get breakfast and groceries, but then I just came back and crashed again. And I'm still sleepy now. Mental note: one museum per day from now on! I was also up late yesterday, because we had a concert at school that evening and then a reception afterward. The group was the Harvard Din & Tonics, which is an accapella singing group from Harvard (naturally). They are currently taking a world tour, stopping in Rome between gigs in Greece and Germany (or something). They were absolutely great. It was 13 college guys in tuxes (with bright green socks), and they were both incredible singers and consummate entertainers. They sang songs like "Let's Call the Whole Thing Off," "Delovely," "Glow Worm," "Copa Cabana," etc., but always with a little twist. ("Let's Call the Whole Thing Off" included impressions of Elvis and Mozart...) Then they had "impressions," where they would athletically form themselves into different positions to poke fun at various things, like Oreo Cookies, popcorn, McDonald's arches, etc. For us, their Rome audience, they did an impression of Michelangelo's "Creation of Adam" from the Sistine Chapel, which of course received a great reaction. In addition, they punctuate all their songs with off-the-cuff jokes--absolutely hilarious. After the concert, we had a reception, which at JCU means wine, cheese, meatballs, etc. (Mmm.) Nancy and Claudia and I visited with a few of the Dins until almost 11:00 and then had to take the long journey home. It was great fun for all, but a late night indeed. :)

Well, since today is yet another day of doing nothing (no energy!), I will post a few pics. In response to Mindy's request for a look at the roomies, see below. I have 2 other roommates, and I'll try to take a picture if I can ever get them to sit still (they're always running around, those two). Also, I wanted to respond to Cassie's request for an Italian church service description by saying...I actually haven't been to one yet. I went to St. Peter's last Sunday evening with the intention of going to the 5:30 mass, and I went early, but by the time I got past the airport security, the modesty enforcers, and the mobs of tourists (and pigeons) in the square, mass had already started and there was no place to sit in that part of the church. So I just wandered around the building while listening to the place echo with the music. St. Peter's inspires one of the biggest "wow moments" in Rome, and probably all of Europe. It's an amazing building (it's HUGE), but it's kind of depressing too. The gigantic dimensions and unbelievable splendor were paid for by poor serfs who thought they were buying their grandmothers' ways out of Purgatory. Corruption in religion is an ugly thing. Also, watching the current-day folks who worship the building (and various statues and relics within it) is depressing too, because they are missing the point. No building, created by men, should inspire such worship and adoration. It breaks my heart to see people loving what man has created and seeming to miss the God who created man. Don't get me wrong, I am convinced that there are true believers in the Catholic church, I just cringe at the veneration of objects. (see Romans 1.) But in any case, it's an amazing experience and an incredible work of art. I'll go to a church service at the Baptist Church of Rome somtime, but not this Sunday because I am taking a day trip to Tuscany and then watching the World Cup Final that night at a sports bar next to the river. (Heck yeah. France is going down.)

So that's the story for now. Here are those pics I promised!

English translations around here are sometimes a little clumsy. I'm just glad I can read it at all.

The Trevi Fountain is absolutely gorgeous at night. This picture doesn't really capture it, but it's the best I could do.

My roomies/buddies, Nancy and Claudia.

That's me, in front of the School of Athens. I like to hang out with old smart dudes.

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