13 September 2006

People Watcher

People are interesting. Do you ever just sit and watch them doing their thing, figuring out things about them just by observing? I think it's a fun pursuit...especially in certain settings, like the Rec Center. I go to the Rec every Monday and Wednesday morning for walking class, and as I spend an hour walking in circles around the indoor track, bored out of my mind, I like to watch everyone else work out. It's really funny, because they all look very serious and absorbed by what they're doing, but they are also all keenly aware of the fact that other people might be watching them. The combination of seriousness for the task, and seriousness for showing off, always provides me with much amusement.

Today before we actually walked, our teacher told us that if we have a tendency to make fists when we walk, we ought to concentrate on relaxing our wrists by touching our thumbs to our middle fingers as we walk (something about lowering blood pressure or some such nonsense). Later, I saw one of my classmates on the track, and she had taken him quite seriously...so much so that she wasn't even swinging her arms or anything, just walking along with her hands sticking out in front with her thumbs and middle fingers together and all the rest of her fingers sticking straight up. It looked really retarded--I had a hard time not laughing out loud as I walked by her.

And now I'm in the library, watching a guy across from me study. He's wearing a shirt that says, "Lefties have rights too!" I like the shirt, but he's writing with his right hand, so I'm confused. Maybe he's just an ally...

1 comment:

Jill said...

People are so weird! I took walking class, too, but our instructor made us do all kinds of cardio and it was hard! Plus I was stupid and took it right before Advanced Tennis, so I had a full morning of intense physical activity, and it was not fun!

It's 2007. So What's the Big Deal?

Happy New Year! You know, this is the first year in a long time that I've actually made a New Year's Resolution. Here it is: GET MAR...