20 October 2006


Not much has been happening lately of note. I enjoy my life, but that doesn't make it interesting to write about. I've just been doing the whole studying thing (sort of...kind of didn't study for that last Latin test...), teaching, hanging out with various people. The usual.

I'm also wondering why, every time I check my email, I have about 10 junk emails telling me to lose weight and stop being obese. I don't think I've signed up for/bought anything lately that would suggest that I'm fat, but who knows. Apparently someone got that idea, lol.

Maybe it's all the pie. Haha I've cooked four pies (2 peach, 2 apple) in the last week. I guess I'm just turning into the Little Baker that Could. I didn't eat all that pie, though, I promise.

Tonight is the night that my boyfriend and I are celebrating our 2-year dating anniversary. Dating anniversaries sometimes seem silly to me (I remember one time on a trip in high school when my youth minister & his girlfriend were celebrating their 10-month mark, which meant he was on the phone all day. I remember thinking, 10 months? Who cares?), but two years is a really long time. I think it's definitely worth celebrating.

That's all. I'm going to class now.


Jill said...

2 years of functional dating is certainly an achievement for a Southcrest-affiliated couple! i commend you both.

The Adventurer said...

hmm... who was the YM??? I mean, it prolly started with a J... unless it was a C.... *hmmmmmmmm*

<>< Me

Jennifer R. said...

It started with a C. :) The one who started with a J was probably silly like that too, but I don't remember any specifics haha.

It's 2007. So What's the Big Deal?

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