13 August 2005

Boys. Girls. Whew. Complicated.

Have you ever read one of those informational books, or listened to a radio show, or watched a TV show centered around relationships? Like, Boy Meets Girl or The Five Love Languages or something like that? I'm sure we all have. (Even if we may not want to admit it...) I even went on a retreat in February with my church that was all about relationships. (It was called the "I Love Love" Southcrest Sprizzle Rizzle. Don't ask about "Sprizzle Rizzle." I don't know.) A lot of times, this information can be very helpful. Recently I listened to a Focus on the Family program called "What Women Should Know About Men." Or something like that. I found it fascinating, and very useful. However, after spending an evening with my brother discussing various points of it for hours on end, I admit I'm beginning to feel a bit exhausted with the whole subject. When you really think about it, guys and girls are so different, it's a wonder we can communicate at all. I mean, sure, we're all human, but as long as the species is cut in half, we're in for an interesting time. I've spent practically this entire evening trying to explain to my brother just exactly how women think and why they do what they do. This is exhausting for me, especially since I don't fully understand women either! Who knows what goes on in our crazy little heads? So I'm really not sure whether I've been any help to him at all. In any case, I'm ready for some brainless downtime. I'm thinking that relationships and gender roles are a good thing to study...but perhaps smaller doses are better.

So let's see...what's good for brainless downtime? Ah yes... GalaxyQuest. Perfect.

"Activate the Omega Thirteen..."


aikou Iesu said...

LOL. Well, MullTrain, I have to tell you I agree. I think you can try to read on it but the fun part is finding the common things and enjoying them and the uncommon things and ignoring them. LOL, just kidding. But, like what we talked about on Monday with the girl spark, I think us girls have a girl spark were, when it is just us girls we have an immediate connection. With guys it is a little different but it is there. Like Bob, I had my internet service technician come to fix my internet and Bob and him just hit it off talking about the Cowboys and wives. I was weirded out with all the Cowboy figures but hey, they had an instant buddy!

Anonymous said...

ah, the joys of relationships and communication.... Ok, tha's enough about that.

ANYWAYS, Galaxy Quest, great movie... "We need your help!" LOL I tried watching my DVD in the alien language, but i found it was a little TOO much.

Ah... just three days until i see my appartment. Pink and black. OH YEAH! I've decided Pink Panther is my new Cartoon Obsession, but I still LOVE larry and tigger and CareBears....

I'm sure you're tired of my randomness so i'll leave you to peace and quiet.

<>< K

It's 2007. So What's the Big Deal?

Happy New Year! You know, this is the first year in a long time that I've actually made a New Year's Resolution. Here it is: GET MAR...