08 September 2005

Industriousness Matters!

Well, I'm taking a short break from the books tonight. I've been reading until my eyeballs are about to fall out, and as I've done so, I've been thinking about my own studying habits and the way other people perceive them. For instance, I know for a fact that some people, specifically other Christians, view me as a crazy perfectionist because I spend a lot more time studying than is necessary to pass my classes. I insist on spending a good deal of time in order to make the best grades possible, and that is something that these people would consider trivial. After all, they say, a degree is a degree. And if, like me, you aren't planning on going to grad school or doing anything that might require high grades, what's the point? Why spend the time earning them? Wouldn't my time be better spent in developing relationships with other people? In fact, some would go so far as to say that my staying home with the books on a regular basis, rather than spending all my time with other people, is a sign that my priorities are out of wack. They would say that my fixation on schoolwork is just a sign of unhealthy pride.

But let me just set the record straight. First of all, I don't just sit at home every single night, doing nothing but study. Overall, even during the crazy semester, I spend lots of time with people. And while I have to admit to deriving a certain amount of personal pride in my GPA, my drive to succeed isn't purely a self-esteem ploy. I view my schoolwork as an opportunity to glorify God. Paul says in Colossians, and other places, to glorify God in whatever you do. Right now, I am primarily a student. Therefore, I work hard in school. It isn't the grade so much as the effort...but the point is, I don't think I can excuse myself from reading my assignments, showing up to class, completing my projects on time, etc., on the grounds that school is just a worldly pursuit and a means to a materialistic end. No. That would just be an excuse for laziness. And while I will also admit to being somewhat prone to such laziness, I feel very strongly that it is important for Christians to work hard in everything they do. So my studying isn't just centered around grades, it's also a part of my integrity as a Christian. Industriousness matters...not just as a means to an end.

Does this make sense? It's just kind of a random rant, and I ought to point out that I'm not responding to anything or anyone in particular. My blog readers aren't the ones telling me I study too much. I'm just rambling as usual...so it's time to get back to the books!


Anonymous said...

you make ME wanna study. sheesh!!!! Even though I prolly don't study as much as you do, i am getting better and studying more than i did in the dorm. YAY for apartments and roomies who study all the time!!

Jennifer R. said...

Amen to that, sister. Dorms are tough, even (or perhaps especially) Tech's honors dorm. My bro is a good roomie for studying, too. Lol.

Rambling Rose Cottage said...

I commend you for your studying though it does give you less time to blog, which is our loss. Don't lose heart. All your hard work will be rewarded.

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