22 March 2006


I love living in Lubbock, not least because of the weather. Yes, I know that the wind blows and the dirt flies around on occasion, but it's generally a lovely place. You just have to learn to keep your mouth shut (to avoid that gritty teeth feeling) and accept that stylish windblown look. Or not so stylish. Whatev. Anyhow, West Texas weather is an adventure...delightfully unpredictable.

Christmas Day 2005: 70 degrees and sunny.
March 22, 2006: 22 degrees and snowing.

Both kind of weird, but also kind of cool. I like to watch the white snow softly coming down in stark contrast with the bright green grass and tree leaves. Never mind that the freeze could kill the trees. Enh, they'll be all right.

In other news, I nearly had a heart attack today when I realized I'd left my purse in the hall before my Roman history class. After the class was over, and I realized it was gone, I had about a 30 minute panic session before finally recovering my precious pocketbook unmolested in the Department of History Chair. I was thinking about using a moneybelt in Rome...maybe I should start now. Next time it happens I just might suffer cardiac arrest; better stock up on nitro now, I suppose.

Currently Reading: The Cults of the Roman Empire by Robert Turcan
Invisible Texans ed. Donald Willet & Stephen Curley


Lauree Frances Keith said...

You are a gentle soul. I loathe this town and nearly everything about it with a thousand fiery passions. And snow just makes me cranky.

Lauree Frances Keith said...

That's true. The people here are too bland to even consider stealing. I left my phone at Rosa's once, and I got it back.

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