09 April 2006

Templates and Tempers

Yee-haw, new template! I wish I could figure out how some people's blogs are so cool...because the only templates that seem to be available to me are these boring ones. Oh well, I really don't have time to mess with customizing, I'll just change my template every week to amuse myself.

Not much news lately, except that I threw a temper tantrum today for the first time in a very long while. Seriously. I seem to remember slamming things on my desk and possibly throwing a few objects...Apparently the stress has been getting to me more than I realized.

But I'm all better now. I took out my less-than-productive energy on my room, and gave it a good cleaning. That always makes me feel better, for some mysterious reason. And I wrote a 10-page paper tonight, so the day wasn't a complete waste.

So why am I still sitting here typing? Good night!

Currently Listening: Cancones i dansas No. 1, Quasi moderato, by Frederico Mompou
From The Most Relaxing Piano Album in the World...Ever!

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