01 July 2006

More Pictures!

Okay, here are a few more. I haven't actually taken that many, so this is pretty much all I have to offer at the moment. Stay tuned though.

The view out of my bedroom window. I am standing on the little balcony taking this, surrounded by Nancy's clothes hanging on the lines to dry (no dryers in Italy)...

John Cabot University is a converted monastery, so this type of thing can still be seen in places. This particular one is in the main courtyard. Our dean's office used to be the dwelling of a beatified nun, but she (in an English accent) informs us that "even the nun's influence won't prevent me from flying through the roof, accompanied by some rather unpleasant verbiage, if you do not show up for finals!"

Don't walk.

But, uh, be sure you look both ways first. Italians think red lights are suggestions...

Random car parked on a median. They do it all the time. It's hilarious.


Jill said...

i just got to read all of your Italy posts and it sounds like such an interesting place to be! i wish i could come visit.

Jennifer R. said...

Italians don't generally park on sidewalks, thankfully. That would be awful for us peds! Also, I have really only eaten a few meals in restaurants so far, since I just eat fruit from the market or grocery store food most of the time for budget reasons. However, I have eaten pizza a few times, and it's pretty different from American pizza. Italians apparently don't get excited about pizza sauce. Most of the time, the cheese is directly on the bread, or if there is sauce they don't put much on. That may sound bland, but somehow they put some crazy good spices in there somewhere: it makes even One Guy's pizza bland by comparison. And the toppings are different. They really go in for veggies, like zucchini and mushrooms and eggplant and olives and whole tomato slices. The meat's different, too: prosciutto (thin spicy cured ham) is my favorite so far, and they have nothing resembling hamburger or pepperoni. (If you ask for pepperoni, you get green or red peppers.) Pizza is cheap and everywhere, so that's mostly what I've done so far. I'll try spaghetti here pretty soon, though. :)

It's 2007. So What's the Big Deal?

Happy New Year! You know, this is the first year in a long time that I've actually made a New Year's Resolution. Here it is: GET MAR...