19 July 2006

Un Cavo USB

Hey everyone! I finally managed to get to our little Accessori PC shop while they were open (I swear, they're worse than a bank) and bought a USB cable, so I'm in business again! I was very proud of myself that I managed to speak Italian the whole time. Anyway, I have a few days of pics to catch up on, so here's a few to start.

Part of Friday's Tarquinia trip was some time on the beach. Here Nancy and I are enjoying the breeze coming off the Tyrrhenian Sea. Trust me, it's a good thing those background figures are so far away. They aren't wearing much.

Finally! I saw the Colosseum! (Side note: I'm currently reading Dan Brown's Angels and Demons, because it's set in Rome, and it amused me greatly when he mentioned the "Coliseum." Lol. It also amuses me that his characters keep "listening for a dial tone" on their cell phones. Yeah, I don't think anyone ever accused him of being the best writer of his generation, just the most popular, apparently.)

A visit to the Pantheon on Monday. It was incredible.

I'm sure everyone who visits the Pantheon takes this picture, but it's just so cool. The hole in the top of the dome is thirty feet wide. Usually the updraft in the building keeps the rain from coming in, but just in case, the floor slopes gently and there are drainage holes in the floor.

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