06 October 2006

Out of Fuel

I've been masquerading as an extrovert lately. In my new routine this semester, I spend tons of time every single day with people...teaching, counseling, hanging out. I love it, and I love exploring new possibilities (Me? Teach?), but a large part of me is still the reclusive bookworm I always have been. Let's face it, I'm an introvert. After several weeks of a very active and people-oriented life, I can't take it anymore. I need to be a misanthrope this Friday night.

I skipped the Homecoming bonfire tonight, even though I have never gone, and this was my last chance to go as a student at Tech. It sounds sad, to say it that way, but I couldn't have enjoyed it if I had gone. I've just been stretched too thin. I needed to stay home for once, to put on my PJs at 7:00 and just enjoy the peace and quiet, the hum of the refrigerator, the creak of my rocking chair, and the occasional swish of a turned page.

Is it supremely selfish to be a hermit? I am afraid it is, but I can only go so far without crashing. I am sure that most of you introverts out there can relate at some level, but times like this make me wonder what the equivalent feeling is for someone who is extroverted and therefore can't relate. Do they feel this same desperate feeling of almost not existing after being alone for long periods of time?

Well, that's my bit of navel-gazing for the night. I almost forgot I had a navel.


Jill said...

I don't think needing alone time is selfish at all. It seems to me that the world is about 50/50 introvert/extrovert, and for good reason. We all need balance. Extroverts can make it seem like they are in the right for being how they are, but it's just not that simple.

aikou Iesu said...

Navel gazing... hmmmm... now if the books drove you to that then... j/k. I think it is great that you read, but I am probably an extreme introvert. Dude, only child, hello! LOL. I read this book lately that said if you do not take care of yourself how can you take care of others... not to say you need to take care of your self SOOOO well so you can take better care of others... just trying to say look out for yourself. Like, a Doctor who gets enough sleep can take better care of his patients because he is more awake to diagnos, do surgery, deliver a baby... so on. We need an extrovert to comment on the subject!

I will get Bob!

I will get Bob when he is available... he he he!


It's 2007. So What's the Big Deal?

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